Theme features
Normal WordPress functionality. Writing normal posts, will be displayed blog style as usual. In case you have created a front page, you will need to create also a blog page where your posts will be displayed (see Front Page template below).
This theme allows you to create pages for your products. Each product has its own image slider that allows you to give your customers an idea of your product.
To add a new product, go to Products -> New Product and write a title and content. Then, from the Upload/Insert link, or the Product Details box, upload a few images of your product. Set one to be the Featured Image so that it can be used on product listing pages.
To list your products, read Product Listing Page template below.
Client Testimonials
To create a new Testimonial, go to Testimonials -> New Testimonial. Use the main title to note who’s testimonial it is (e.g. John Doe) and use the main content area to write the client’s testimonial.
Testimonials can be displayed using the Testimonials Page Template, or you can display them on any widget area using the -=CI Testimonials=- widget that we bundled with the theme.
This theme supports widgets. There are multiple widget areas defined. One, Blog Sidebar, which appears on the left hand side of the content, on usual blog posts and listing/archive pages. The Products Sidebar, appears on the left of product listing pages. The Pages Sidebar appears on the right of normal pages.
There are two more additional widget areas for the footer, Emphasized Footer Widgets and Footer Widgets, that are displayed on every page. These two areas, are displayed on top of each other, while the Emphasized Footer Widgets is specifically design to stand out more.
There are three additional widget areas that are specific to the front page template. Read Front Page template for more information.
Custom Menus
This theme supports custom menus. There is one menu location defined, Main Menu, that appears under the header.
There is one more menu position, Top Menu that appears on the very top-right corner of your website. This menu can also show a unique Offers button. Read CSSIGNITER Settings – Product Options for more information on the Offers button.
Front Page template
To set-up a front page, you need to create two pages. Name the first one “Blog” or something similar. Name the second one “Front Page” or something similar, and from the Page Attributes box assign it the Front Page template. Next, go to Settings -> Reading, on the Front page displays select A static page and on the following two drop-downs select first your Front Page and then your Blog page. Save your changes.
The front page consists of a slider and three widget areas. You may assign any widgets to those areas, but we recommend you structure them just like we do on the live demo and the sample content of the theme.
To assign images to the slider, you need to create slider items. From your admin screen, go to Slider Items -> New Slider Item, enter a title, content, assign big enough Featured Image and on the Slider Details box, enter a Slider Item URL. This allows your slide to be linked anywhere you want. If you leave this blank, the slide will appear but won’t be linking anywhere.
Product Listing Page template
You may have any page displaying all, or a subset, of your products. All you need is to assign the Product Listing template from the Page Attributes box. Then, from the Base Products Category box, click on the drop-down and select the product category (or subcategory) that you want the products to appear. Leaving this blank, pull products from all categories.
Testimonials Page template
You may have any page displaying all your clients’ testimonials. All you need is to assign the Testimonials template from the Page Attributes box.
Full Width Page template
You may have any page displaying full-width, without a sidebar. All you need is to assign the Full Width, No Sidebar template from the Page Attributes box.
Archive page template
You can have an archive page displaying your posts based on the date. All you need is to create an empty page and assign the Archive template from the Page Attributes box.
Our custom options panel can be found under Appearance -> CSSIgniter Settings. Let’s have a look at each tab’s options:
Site Options
From this tab you can set your site’s properties.
- Logo text: Textual logo – site title
- Slogan text: Textual slogan – site description
- Upload your logo: Allows you to upload a logo image. You need to upload it to the correct size. Logo text is used as alternative logo description.
- Color scheme: Allows you to change the color scheme used.
- Upload your favicon: Uploads and registers a favicon. It must be already in .ico format.
- Sample content: Creates or deletes the sample content.
Homepage Options
From this tab you can refine the behavior of the front page template.
- Slider options: Allows you to change the behavior of the slider that appears in the front page.
Business Options
In this tab you enter information regarding your business, that is used in some special places in the theme.
- Phone number: The phone appears on the top-right corner of your website, just below the Top Menu, and is linked against the Contact page that you select in the option below.
- Address: The address appears on the footer of your website, next to the site’s name. Make sure you type in a one line format for best visual results.
- Contact page: Select the page that is used as the contact page. This option is used to link the phone number mentioned above, against the page you select here.
Product Options
In this tab you enter information regarding your business, that is used in some special places in the theme.
- Offers page label: The Offers page button is a specially designed button that gets attached to the end of the Top Menu. What you write here is what the button will say. While you can use this feature for anything, it is best reserved for an Offers page.
- Offers page URL: The Offers button will redirect you to the URL that you enter here. Leaving this blank, will make the Offers button disappear.
- Product slider height: You can set a number in pixels that will restrict the height of the slider and the images shown. The images will also get automatically cropped to fit the height you’ve set. Setting this to 0 (zero) allows the images to be resized to fit, whithout getting cropped. The slider will automatically accommodate for different image sizes. Note that after you have changed the height setting, you need to regenerate the thumbnails of your images, for the changes to take effect.
- Slider options: Allows you to change the behavior of the slider that appears in single portfolio pages.
- Show Similar Products: Allows you to turn on/off the Similar Products section that appears an the bottom of each portfolio item’s page.
Background Options
Within the background options tab you can override the template’s background settings and set yours as needed. If don’t want that, just keep this tab disabled by checking the checkbox “Disable custom background”.
Display Options
Various options that affect what your website displays.
- Use the following on listing pages: Allows you to have the Content or the Excerpt displayed on various listing pages.
- Read More text: What will be displayed instead of the default Read More… or […]
- Excerpt length (in words): Limits how many words the excerpt will be, and whether it should be linked to the post.
- Title separator: How the various elements of the <title> tag will be separated (dash, pipe, colon, etc)
- Show “Comments are closed” message: Allows you to hide/show the default “Comments are closed” message when comments are disabled.
- Featured Images: Allows you to show or hide the featured image on single post pages. You can define your own size by entering the appropriate dimensions. Note that after you have changed the size settings, you need to regenerate the thumbnails of your images, for the changes to take effect. You can also set the alignment of the image to left, right, center or none.
Social Options
These options control the behavior of the -=CI Social=- widget. The widget displays Social Media icons, depending on the services you have enabled and provided a link to your profile, in this page.
Archive Options
These options control the behavior of the Archive page (if you created one) with the Archive page template assigned.
Google options
- Google Analytics Code: Just copy paste your Google Analytics code exactly as given by their website, and you are all set for tracking visits.
FeedBurner Options
- FeedBurner Feed URL: Paste the feed that FeedBurner provides you with, and it will be automatically be server to your users.
- FeedBurner Email URL: Paste the URL FeedBurner provides for registering to email updates.
Custom CSS
Paste your custom css in the box, and it will override the theme’s styles, along with the Background Options.