Theme Features
The theme is designed to showcase great photography. It has the following unique features which will be described in subsequent sections:
- Two different Homepage templates (slider and video)
- Galleries custom post type
- Two settings for your photographs’ layout inside your Galleries (slider and columns)(
- Custom fullsize background images for pages.(
- CSSIgniter Custom Options Panel
Setting up your Gallery
First thing you would want to do is set up your Galleries.
This is accomplished by navigating to “Galleries -> New Gallery” from the WordPress Dashboard menu. The gallery post type is straightforward. The title input holds the Title of your Gallery, the Rich Text Editor should hold its description and content which will be shown in the single Gallery page of that particular Gallery.
To upload your gallery photographs, click on the upload button in the “Gallery Details” subsection. Select your photos via the WordPress multi-uploader, and hit upload. Once they are done uploading, make sure to set an image as a featured image. This will be your Gallery Cover, for the gallery listing page and your homepage.
Setting up your Gallery Listing Page
The Gallery listing page is where all your galleries will be displayed. You can create one by going to Pages -> Add New. Give a title (like “Galleries”, or “My Work”) and leave the editor blank. Then from the Page Attributes on the right of your screen select the “Gallery Listing” template from the Templates dropdown.
Setting up a custom full background image for your pages.
We have designed the theme so that every page can have its own different full-size background at the top. You can set this background by clicking on the “Set Featured Image” link in the Page edit screen and setting that image as Featured. The optimal size for these images are 2000x400px (they crop at 400px height).
If you don’t set an image, the default image will be displayed instead.
You can set your default background image for the Blog template and Single Articles pages via the CSSIgniter Custom Options Panel, by going to “Appearance -> CSSIgniter Theme Options -> Display Options” and upload a Header Image there.
Setting up your blog.
For the blog, you just have to create a blank page, name it (like “Blog” or anything), and hit Publish. Then navigate to Settings -> Reading via the WordPress Dashboard Menu and select that page as your blog page via the dropdown.
Setting up your homepage.
You have three options for your homepage.
The first one is simply having it as a blog. You don’t need to do anything for this to happen. Just upload some posts.
The other two are having a supersized background slider, and the last is having a homepage with a fullscreen background video.
Homepage with slider.
Create a new page, give it any name you want and then select the option Homepage with Slider as its Template from the Page Templates dropdown.
You then should upload the images you wish to be displayed on the supersized slider via the default WordPress media uploader attached to the page (top left over the content area) and click on Save All after they are done uploading.
Hit Publish and once the page is done saving navigate to Settings -> Reading and select this page as your Homepage via the WordPress dropdown (labeled Display a static page).
Homepage with video.
Please note that currently this feature only works with YouTube videos
Create a new page, give it any name you want and then select the option Homepage with Video as its Template from the Page Templates dropdown.
After you do that, you will get a custom options box under your editor with an input. This is where your YouTube video URL goes in (e.g. Just paste the URL and hit Publish.
Once the page is done saving navigate to Settings -> Reading and select this page as your Homepage via the WordPress dropdown (labeled Display a static page).
Setting up your contact page.
Create a new page, and in the content editor put your information, or whatever you wish to write.
You can further customize your contact page by adding widgets to it (the page has its own widgets sidebar) and by configuring the map via the CSSIgniter Custom Options Panel in the Contact Options area.
Other theme features.
You may have any page displaying full-width, without a sidebar. All you need is to assign the Page FullWidth template from the Page Attributes box.
You can set up how many columns you want your gallery and gallery single page to split into in the CSSIgniter Custom Options Panel in the Gallery Options section.
You may have a Posts Archive by creating a blank page and setting that page template to “Article Archives”. This will create a page where you can have your Posts Archive organized by date.