Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall photo: 12 years ago
Jon Hardison and
Lisa Broadwater are now friends 12 years ago
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
This is yet another test. ;-P. #rsw http://t.co/TtQmBIe1ix
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
@GainesvilleLife @fordcustservice Oh no! What the heck happened? Ford has been trying to get us to buy. Got a reason we shouldn’t? Spill it!
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
Test? Yes, I think so… #rsw
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall link: 12 years ago
Apple’s Fall From Grace – Go Hack Yourself!Yeah. I’m pissed about it. All Mac users should probably read this.
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall link: 12 years ago
Cat and vacuum cleaner.On days like today, when your faith in the world is shaken and you’re down, it’s the little things that help you hold it all together…
I give you Cat Suck.
Thank you Tanya and thanks caternet. -
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall link: 12 years ago
Bunnell’s Martinez Survives a Motion to Fire Him by John Rogers in an Explosive Meeting | FlaglerLivIt’s rare that our local news is so… juicy! A city meeting with near firings, one person quitting while outing an extra marital affair between the city’s chief of police and his finance director (while their significant others where in the…[Read more]
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall status: 12 years ago
I’m not a complainer (yes I am) but I need to know what you think:
Should cops be able to stop you for no reason, ask for your ID and then arrest you if you don’t have one? This just happened to a friend in New York, New York that I haven’t been able to get to in a few days.
She walked into a building. Two police officers were in the lobby. They…[Read more]
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall link: 12 years ago
‘Star Wars: Episode IV’ Speeedrun animationExactly how I remember it.
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall link: 12 years ago
Why We Must Remember RohwerIf you haven’t read it, you should.
Jon Hardison posted a Facebook wall photo: 12 years ago
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
Just signed up for Path. Let’s see what this bad boy can do… [pic] — http://t.co/Y4Gj0KNdY3
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
Ooooo! @ Flagler Beach Pier http://t.co/D9HoK85H3m
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
@KellyMitchell @innahamedia @debra11 How do I blush on this thing?
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
@russellmlewis @innahamedia Russell, are you not on FB? I thought you were but can’t find you. So good to finally meet you at #RETSO
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
Anyone for a cup of toad? It’s fresh! http://t.co/D1uZtzhKpP
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
With @intownexpert & c#Coop – hangin’ with the pretty people. @ Arena Tavern http://t.co/YptCqw2W7P
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
@clicknfinance #RETSO – A grand time has been had by all. More to come… @ Arena Tavern http://t.co/YMYcMPfafy
Jon Hardison posted a tweet: 12 years ago
@peterfletcher @innahamedia @clicknfinance @thearenatavern -sadly we are not. This was supposed to be out “run about” year. Didn’t happen
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